Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Leaning Tai Chi From DVD

I have been asked many times if there are DVD's people can use to learn taiji at their own pace because they don't always have time to go to class.

I have yet to meet a person who has obtained any internal benefit from doing this and most don't have a good grasp of postures or forms.

Having said that I am sure there are people in the word who can and have obtained this but they are like a grain of sand in dessert.

My answers have always been:

  1. A DVD is good to reinforce a lesson between classes but not for learning true taiji
  2. If you can't commit to a class it is doubtful you can commit to a set time to follow a DVD
  3. The true essence of taiji (the transmission) is obtained by your teacher correcting you and sharing his insights and you feeling his internal development
  4. Correcting bad habits in taiji can take an extremely long time once you have them.


Monday, December 1, 2008

Years of Practice

Many people mark the years they practice taiji and use it as a bench mark for progress of internal understanding, how good they are or should be.

Yes years can add some internal but what should be celebrated or marked of greater importance is the perseverance and perseverance will open the door to great things.

When I asked a really skilled teacher how long he had practiced he said "It will never matter how long I have practiced, my practice will benefit only me and yours will only benefit you."

It took a time to understand his response and then I got it, skill can only be obtained by how deep and diligent your practice is, years can be truly irrelevant many great players took a short time to reach what seems mystical taiji but yet is so easy to obtain with good guidance and deep commitment.
