Friday, May 21, 2010

Seeking outside yourself

Many Taiji player are always looking for the next short cut or that teacher who will give them the secret to mastering Taiji Chuan even if they have heard it over and over from their teacher deep inside they think "It can't be that easy to master Taiji."

To master Taiji it is easy as the following:

1. Practice
2. Relax

Practice twice a day everyday without fail and you will gain great knowledge of yourself and Taiji.

Relax in every movement, this means to go slow listen to your body and let go of expectations and just explore.

Prof. Cheng Man-ching wrote down all the his knowledge and his teachers, Yang Cheng Fu, knowledge of Taiji Chuan in Cheng Tzu's Thirteen Treatises.

Read this book read the Essence of Taiji Chuan and you have all the tools you will ever need.
