Saturday, May 16, 2009

The Weapon of a Scholar

Original Post Saturday, October 13, 2007

The days are crisp, time to snuggle in bed and sleep in under warm covers, but I spring out of bed "burr" gathering my warmest clothes and get ready like a kid at Christmas my Saturdays are Christmas.

I make my way to the park my sword in my hand a new toy, I puff smoke with my breath into the cold air looking at the dew on the pines my feet making sounds on the path to where my playmates are gathering. We gather together chattering, playing around doing mock battles with each other for teacher is not there yet.

Soon we see him in the distance Santa is coming with new presents we settle down he strolls up smiling and greeting us but no time for that we are quickly in the middle of his new lesson a new toy.

We learn that our new toy is much more than just a sword to hack of cut but it is the weapon of a scholar, a weapon of finesse and grace.

We smile look at each other puzzled and excited, then we start to practice our da lu two by two we face off we swing our sword like clubs if even that graceful till teacher comes around takes our hands and we learn to bring life to the sword to make it part of us, soon we have grace and purpose and he says "Yes Yes There You Go" and smiles that smile that lets you know that he has great joy and holds nothing back.

We all hang on every word, try and try waiting our turn for correction and a chance to play with teacher, he is the biggest kid of us all always laughing, encouraging and assisting us to reach beyond what we thing we can do and always it works.

What a day of magic when my playmates at the park must go and teacher has other things to do I go to my school I know my other playmates wait.

I walk into that magical door always the room seems powerful, always like my first time I look around looking for those I know and always smiles greet me it is family I am home.

There is more magic for me in the room this morning there is my first teacher doing what he does best laying the foundation of the next generation of Taiji players, I grab some tea and listen to him smiling remembering how he instilled in me the drive to keep going for 12 years, how his words I heard so many times still have magic, more presents what a wonderful Saturday.

Soon the other come it is time to push, oh joy a chance to laugh to be flung like a paper doll and to find new things to play with. I get to push with my teachers on fun time to be a kid and see how far I can fly. My students are there so willing to give and play, always indulging me my whims and playing along even if they don't know why at that moment they get joy of seeing me be so happy in that moment. My soul is fed and my heart is filled the world is back in balance.

Today I learned I carry the weapon of a scholar and the heart of a tiger.


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